Fuller, R. Buckminster

Utopia or Oblivion: the Prospects for Humanity - Switzerland Lars Muller Publishers 2021 - 448p.

Introduction p.7, Spaceship Earth Update p.20, 1. A Citizen of the 21st Century Looks Back p.23, 2. The Music of the New Life p.20, 3. Prevailing Conditions in the Arts p.115, 4. Keynote Address at Vision 65 p.153, 5. Summary Address at Vision 65 p. 177, 6. The World Game-How to Make the World Work p.203, 7. Geosocial Revolution p.209, 8. How to Maintain Man as a Success in Universe p.261, 9. Utopia or Oblivion p.329, 10. Curricula and the Design Initiative p.361, 11. Design Strategy p.369, 12. Epilogue p.419


Urban Theory

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